Obituary of Richard Donald Clements
It is with great sadness to announce the unexpected death of Richard Donald Clements on Monday December 2nd, 2024 at the Saint John Regional Hospital.
Richard has left behind his wife Peggy (Calvert) Clements, Sister Heather Clements (Rodney),
Nieces Kerry Finnamore (Blake), Kelsey Clements (Colin), half sisters, Theresa (Bill) McCoy, Annie Dickinson , Glenna McCoy and Gloria Mitchell. Several nieces and one nephew.
Richard moved to British Columbia at a young age after graduation and had lots of stories to tell about his adventures when travelling across Canada. He moved to PEI in the 90's to work for MCain foods until its closure. Rick once told me that he used to get to work on his dog sled with his huskies in earlier days.
Richard was a kind man with a gentle spirit and loved the life he created here on Prince Edward Island. He liked to hunt and fish and make maple syrup in the spring. He will be missed by all.
By personal request there will be no funeral service at this time.
In the late 1980's, a group of citizens from the East Prince area met to discuss the possibility of establishing a co-operative funeral home. Two such homes were operating successfully in Prince County, namely the West Prince Funeral Home in Palmer Road and the Evangeline Funeral Home in Urbainville. As a result, on January 24th, 1989, the East Prince Funeral Co-operative Ltd. was formed.